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Does Learning Guitar Ever Feel Like
“Monkey See, Monkey Do?”

Monkeys can learn cool tricks, but they don’t have a clue why.

Have you ever felt like you’re learning things on the guitar, without a clue why those things work, or why your fingers need to be placed in a certain spot?

Would you like to learn how to play guitar without thinking so hard about everything? Playing guitar would become so much more relaxing than it already is…

Most guitar teachers out there just teach song after song, but rarely teach WHY the song works… keeping you stuck learning slowly, and dependent on the help of others.

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  • It is possible to learn WHY things work on the guitar using a simple and straightforward system.
  • The same system used by pro guitarists lets you easily figure out all the chords in any key.
  • Once you understand this basic guitar theory, you can quickly be figuring out how to play popular songs on your own.


How This System Can Help You Understand The Guitar

To learn more about this system of understanding the guitar, simply enter your name and email in the form on this page to instantly receive a free introductory Foundation Course on Guitar Theory. In this course you will learn:

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  • What I IV V (1 4 5) refers to, and how to use it on your guitar.
  • How to use the number system to find all the best sounding chords in any key you want.
  • How chords are related by numbers, and how you can quickly build your own chords by using numbers.
  • Why learning by patterns is the most powerful approach to the guitar.
  • How learning guitar theory can help players of all skill levels improve their playing.


BONUS: Also included is the “Most Common Chords in 5 Keys” cheat sheet. Print this off and keep it in your guitar case for handy reference!

To receive this Foundation Course for free, simply enter your name and email in the form below, and you’ll be emailed a link to the course.

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Other Useful Info

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  • About The Unlocking I IV V Course
    The Unlocking I IV V course teaches how & why chords work together, how to build chords, how to figure out songs quickly, and how the chords in any song relate to the scale. Click here to learn more.
  • About The Author
    Jonathan Boettcher (from GuitarTipsWeekly.com) has helped thousands of guitar players “take it to the next level” with his guitar lessons.


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  • Testimonials (click here for more)
    “I could never grasp the concept of what “key” a song is in, or what to do when I do know the key. Your video is an eye opener on that. Thanks!”
    ~ Andy Fox
    “I am so pleased with your I IV V lesson. I have purchased lots of guitar fretboard theory books, but only had a vague idea as to how all the concepts were related. Then I discovered your lesson! The light actually went on and I was able to pull everything together.”
    ~ Peg Wagner

Disclaimer: Any testimonials or success stories reflect actual results realized by individual players, and will not necessarily reflect your own experience with the course.