This cheat sheet will show you at a glance the chords that are used in the five most common keys you’ll run into on the guitar.
Tip: Print it off and keep it in your guitar case as a handy reference guide!
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This cheat sheet is intended to be an introduction to some of the concepts that I explain in the Unlocking I IV V guitar lesson.
Here’s what others are saying about the lesson:
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Hello Jonathan,
I went thru your I-IV-V dvds. You know, I’ve picked up the guitar a few years back, after a 40 year hiatus, and started taking lessons from some local guys. They’ve been trying to teach me the same things, but haven’t been nearly as effective as your presentations. I sort of knew the concepts but was still kind of fuzzy because my local teachers were not presenting the material in a way that made sense to me.
Your presentation, though sort of “low-tech” with the markers and white board instead of Powerpoint, I believe was much more effective, probably because you took a lot of time to present the material, which allowed it to sink in better. Hooray for low tech!! I am a big fan of the KISS theory!
Anyway, I look forward to getting your weekly updates. You are clearing up a lot of questions I’ve always had about the guitar.
~ Bill Chwala
Edgerton, WI
Mechanical Engineer (Retired)
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In trying to define the value your basic course in fret knowledge provided, my first thought was, I don’t know the full value yet. This eye opening, easily understood, basic understanding is like turning on a light switch in a dark room. What that light has helped me find already is amazing, and what’s still in the dark room yet to be discovered is just a matter of time and effort.
The more I look at what I’m doing the more I see why it all works. I can’t say it enough how worthwhile this simple course has been. I have never gotten so much for so little before. A value that delivers a one time benefit is all well and good, but a value that continues to deliver forever is truly hard to find.
Your lesson has given me a challenge I desperately needed. It may well prove to be a life saver of sorts… a sanity save for sure. All for under 30 bucks…. quite a bargain.
~ Tim Sommer
Wyandotte, Michigan
Low Voltage Electrician
Curious to know what they’re talking about?
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